
My vertical jump training plan for rest of this year

PHASE 1: This is pretty simple. As Isaiah Rivera suggested in a video, I am going to be jumping everyday. Now, I live on a steep mountain, so I can’t really do running vertical or dunk attempts (except for school days), but I will be doing standing vertical jumps, trying to touch as high as I can. No exact rep scheme, but doing it until my performance starts seriously decreasing. I will be keeping track of any knee pain, and making sure to be safe. I will take a long while to warmup, and include some isometrics before jumping. I dont have an exact timespan, but I will stop when I find myself at a plateau, or with knee pain. PHASE 2. This is where I incorporate an actual workout routine. It will however be around winter, so cant include sprinting outside. Sunday: LEGS (Strength and plyos) Warmup: swiss ball hamstring curls (2x8-12) light sprint drills, pogo jumps (2-3x6-10) Standing vertical jumps (max effort, until performance decrease) Dumbbell jump squats (3x4-5 slowly advance weight

Following Garage Strength Format

 Day 4 of recording my vertical jump journey. Starting this new routine soon after my phase of max effort jumping everyday is over..  Sunday: LEGS (Strength and plyos) Warmup: swiss ball hamstring curls (2x8-12) light sprint drills, pogo jumps (2-3x6-10) Standing vertical jumps (max effort, untiliperformance decrease) Dumbbell jump squats (3x4-5 slowly advance weight) Nordic curls (3-4x4-5) Calf raises (2-4 x 8-15) Band monster walks (3x8 each side) Band hip and leg work Monday: UPPER BODY Band pull aparts (2x10 fast) Hammer grip pull ups (3x5-12) Chin-ups (2x5-12) Explosive push ups (2-4 x 6-12) L-sits (3x75% max hold) ISOLATION WORK Lateral raises (3x8-12) Curls (2-3x8-15 Core work Wednesday: ATHLETIC DAY (plyos) Warmup: swiss ball hamstring curls (2x8-12) sprint drills, band leg work Pogo jump variation (3x6-10) Max effort standing vertical jumps (until performance decreases) Dumbbell squat jumps (3x4-5) Free choice plyos (pick 1-3 depending on Intensity, include single leg) Band hi

Day 3 of recording my vertical jump journey

I’m starting a new garage strength workout format on Sunday, so I’m keeping it fairly low intensity until then. Just had a max effort jumping session at the hoops. Got some okay hops, but not my best. About 7-12 inches from rim in general.

Day 2 of recording my vertical jump journey

Low intensity day today, just did some very light jumping, and had a boy's ballet class which was really good for hitting legs in a way I haven't really felt before. Really worked hips, inner thigh muscles, and calves. Also great for mobility and flexibility, as well as balance.   

Day 1 of recording my Vertical Jump journey!

 I am recording my vertical jump journey and documenting my workouts! So my height is 5’5 and my current standing vertical jump is between 26-30 inches, and running vertical is 7-10 inches away from rim currently. I’m not following a specific routine, but I will follow various workouts or videos I find and make my own for the day sometimes. The musts of every workout: some sort of isometric, plyometrics, upper and lower body work, and isolation or technique work. Day 1. Sprint drills (straight leg bounds, butt kick sprints, a-skips)  Pogo jump variation (3x6-12)  Max effort standing vertical jumps (until performance decreases)  Dumbbell jump squats (3x4-5) Single leg line hops (2x10 seconds each side) Wall sit Isolation arm and back workout (lateral raises, reverse db flyes, band pull aparts, curls etc.) Monster walks (2x5 each side) Lunges (just trying to get used to the movement, didnt really do it for planned reps or sets